Lara Howe Stenberg, Esq., is a Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Policy Research, University at Albany, SUNY.
Ms. Howe Stenberg has nearly twenty years of experience providing nonproliferation training and assistance to governments and industry in countries around the world as well as in conducting research on strategic trade control (STC) systems.
Most recently, she led a series of red-teaming exercises and related training in East Asia to help partner governments and industry identify areas of risk. She has led or participated in nonproliferation seminars in East Asia, Mexico, Kenya, North Africa, South Asia, Latin America, the Balkans, Central Asia, and the Middle East on topics ranging from nonproliferation best practices, outreach to industry, and trends in export controls including emerging technology, foreign direct investment, and risk assessment.
In recent years she has worked to mentor government officials from different regions, including East Asia, in developing their STC expertise and translating that into actionable suggestions for improvement of the STC systems in their countries.
Additionally, Ms. Howe Stenberg has conducted legal analysis of existing laws for governments and provided tailored training and consultations to assist these governments in drafting a strong legal basis for strategic trade control. Her global experience also includes studying nonproliferation measures in Mexico, Panama, Kenya, and Chile, as well as in Europe, the Balkans, and Asia and analyzing those systems for gaps to provide partner governments with precise paths forward to meeting international standards in STC.
Ms. Howe Stenberg received her law degree from the George Washington University Law School with a focus on international and national security law.